Thursday, December 3, 2009

Tan Lien Teong (IT Service Desk Operation Manager)

"I had the opportunity to travel and work on projects with foreign counterparts from US, Costa Rica, Asia and Europe. The service desk or call center industry is booming now as IT trends into service industry."


IT Service Desk Operation manager,
INTEL Technology Sdn Bhd

Name: Tan Lien Teong, 35

Year of Graduation: 2006
Programme: MSc in IT in Business (Univ. of Lincoln)

Current Employer: Intel Technology Sdn Bhd
Current Position: IT Service Desk Operations Manager
Achievement/Award: 10 year service award and divisional recognition award

1. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Well… I am 35, Penang-born, with groves of interests and hobby. Naturally an out-going person and like mixing around friends, I enjoyed reading and photography and an avid seashell collector during my spare time. I read lots of storybooks in the early schooling years and participate heavily in extra curriculum activities from the track and field to chess. I read about 2 books a month. The interest and skills in chess came from my rather strict and astute father and I had competed at state levels many times. I truly enjoyed those high school days. The interest in seashell and photography came later in college years. Penang is surrounded by beaches and interesting spots for seashell collecting and photography. I had a huge collection of seashells hand picked from local beaches to exotic shells bought overseas. Currently, I am married with two young children.

2. Tell us a bit more about your current job scope.
I held various positions and technical roles before in the 10 years in Intel and currently managing the IT service desk. A small IT group supporting thousands of internal design engineers from different countries, I had the opportunity to travel and work on projects with foreign counterparts from US, Costa Rica, Asia and Europe. The service desk or call center industry is booming now as IT trends into service industry. The daily work involves work process improvements, support of technical agents work requirements, project tracking, service level objectives review, vendor contract outsourcing and people management.

3. Can you share your education background with us?
I completed first 2 years in Penang for my Higher Diploma in Computer Studies and went to PJ campus to further Graduate Diploma in IT; both of which I graduated with Distinction. After that I spent a few months in the industry before deciding to continue my Masters degree in University of Lincoln in UK. The years in UK provided more than just text book education, I learned much more living independently, about weather, road systems, cultures and different perspectives of people surrounding me. I was also the vice president for the Malaysian Students Society in the University. That’s the part in formal academic education.

4. You have achieved so much in such a short span of time, can you share your secret of success with us?
The years and experience had taught me to be humble despite early pride in academic achievements and success. If there is a secret, this is what I will summarize and share :- “When you embark on a journey, start with an end in mind and when you are faced with personal challenges, perseverance will take you over it. At the same time, take time to cultivate your interest in things and people you deal with around you, pay attention to the details, so the passion for live and growing interest will take you to the next fertile ground.”

5. What prompted you to choose KDU?
I was planning on various course options after high school and KDU at that time had a good continuing education plan from Basic diploma to graduate diploma and further twinnings with the universities in UK such as University of Lincoln and Middlesex University.

When I first joined KDU, back in 1992 at the Fort Cornwallis campus, I wanted a good education in Computers as the trend in IT was just booming and KDU has had a head start in the computer education and further twinning options among private colleges.

6. KDU is celebrating 25th anniversary next year, do you have a message to the college?
Keep bringing out the best in education and academic excellence. Investments in teaching resources, infrastructures and academic linkages with other universities and industry will pave the way. Programs for academic staff training and exposure projects will also drive excellence in students.

1 comment:

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